About Us

Research in the Earth Surface Dynamics group in the Department of Earth Sciences at IISER Kolkata, led by Dr. Sanjay Kumar Mandal, focuses on the various processes that act together to create the surface geology and morphology of the Earth.

The group’s focus is on tectonic processes that create topography through near-surface deformation of the Earth and surface erosion processes that sculpt upland areas over time, creating landforms and sediment. Mountains are the best example of this linked system, with mountain-building processes occurring where lithospheric plates collide, raising high mountains that erode under the influence of harsh climate conditions. The erosion produces sediments that are deposited around mountain belts in orogenic basins, which chronicle the history of mountain belts.

The processes of tectonic mountain building, erosion, sediment production, and transport are all of interest to the Earth Surface Dynamics group.

The researchers employ various techniques, including fieldwork, geochemical and isotopic analyses, and computer modeling of tectonic and surface processes. Geomorphological, structural, and sedimentological fieldwork is an essential component of our research.

Our research focuses on the following main topics:

    • Tectonics & Landscape Evolution
    • Cosmogenic Nuclides, Thermochronometry, and Isotope Studies
    • Sedimentology

For more information, explore our active research projects and check out our open positions.


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Research Complex E – 037
IISER Kolkata
Mohanpur – 741246
Nadia, West Bengal
+91-33-6136 0000 (Extension: 2114)