ISKGES – IISER Kolkata Laboratory for the Geochemistry of the Earth Surface
In the IISER Kolkata – Laboratory for the Geochemistry of the Earth Surface (ISKGES), sample preparation of cosmogenic nuclides in geological sample materials, such as sediments, rocks, and soils are performed.
Class 10000+ clean lab with three fume hoods for sample preparation of cosmogenic nuclides (10Be and 26Al). The ISKGES lab also accommodates analytical instruments, such as SARTORIUS analytical balance, EPPENDORF 5804 centrifuge, ELMASONIC S30H ultrasonic device.
Nearly all work conducted in the ISKGES lab falls into one of two categories: (1) research projects within in the IISER Kolkata Earth Surface Dynamics Group, and (2) collaborative projects that will lead to publications in international scientific journals. All scientists wishing to use our facility or request sample analyses may contact Dr. Sanjay Kumar Mandal (
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